Make Your Move to a Better Quality of Life

Learn to engage with nature & incorporate simple habits into your daily life for long-term results

Take the first step to a happier & healthier mindset.
Join the Your Move Natural Health Course

Feel Better, Feel Good,
Feel Great

Are you ready to improve your mood and reduce stress by simply engaging with nature? Learn easy, yet powerful techniques – backed by more than 170 scientific research studies – to help you enhance your sense of everyday well-being and reconnect with the natural world.

The Your Move Natural Health Course is the first of its kind, offering daily practices that can help to refresh and recharge your body and mind while leading to a long-lasting transformation.

Make Your Move to a better quality of life.

Welcome to the Your Move Natural Health Course

Scientifically researched methodologies that offer benefits for wellbeing and mental health. These practices can refresh & recharge us, while helping us to cultivate inner peace and happiness. 

They are about taking care of ourselves.

Improve how you feel

Lift your mood naturally with 8 easy lessons that take under 30 mins to complete

Long Term Wellbeing

Lessons are spread over 21 days to help you create small daily habits that have a big impact

Take A Positive Step Forward

Daily support reminders help keep you on track and make significant improvements to your well-being

It's Your Move - Register Now!

Your Move is ideal if you are looking for a simple way to make a positive shift in your life.

About The Course

Discover the power of nature and learn how it can help you improve your overall well-being. 

Create healthy habits and stick to them by completing easy-to-follow lessons and activities over 21 days.

There is a common narrative that nature is good for us.

Now, research tells us why it is good for us, how much it is good for us, and the best ways you can benefit!

Based on scientifically researched methodologies, each lesson is designed to improve your sense of well-being and mental health.

Put into practice, they refresh and refuel you, while helping to cultivate inner peace and happiness. They are about taking care of yourself.

Ideal either as a stand-alone or complimentary option as part of your overall health plan, Your Move is designed to encourage you to develop simple daily habits – which are proven to enhance your sense of well-being and help to ease stress & anxiety.

We are excited to bring you the
Your Move Natural Health Course.

What’s included:

Eight easy 30 minute lessons
Spread over 21 days to build a healthy habit
Daily support reminders to help keep you on track

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    Your Move Natural Health Course

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    Backed by more than 170 scientific research studies, you’ll learn to build habits which offer significant benefits to your overall well-being. 

    Whether you’re looking for a sustainable and enjoyable way to  build healthy well-being habits or just want to experience the transformative power of nature, Your Move Natural Health Course is the perfect solution.

    Join today and make Your Move towards a healthier and happier life!